A Renaissance Wedding

The Wedding of Daniel Sherman and Dawn Hillegas

Welcome family and friends of Daniel Sherman and Dawn Hillegas. Today in this beautiful park, in this beautiful gazebo, on this beautiful day — we gather together to formalize, witness, and celebrate the marriage of Daniel and Dawn.  

Insomuch as Daniel and Dawn share an appreciation of the Renaissance period we will conduct this ceremony in a style reminiscent of a truly romantic time in human history. An appreciation of history is not the only thing shared between Daniel and Dawn. They have been together long enough to know that they share a commitment to family, truthfulness, values, and love.  

To symbolize the philosophical life stance they share, Daniel and Dawn will exchange vows as they drink of nature’s sweet nectar.

(I turn to Dawn and Daniel. Andy gives Daniel the chalice to hold. Amber hands me the wine bottle. Daniel and Dawn face each other.)

As I pour nectar into this chalice cup, think of the wonderful times you have shared, the love you feel today, and the wonderful future ahead of you.

Daniel, please take a sip and tell Dawn that you are committed to this marriage and intend to remain honest and loving until death do you part.  (Daniel takes a sip, repeats the above, and passes the cup to Dawn, keeping his hand on the chalice. They remain looking at each other.)

 Dawn, please take a sip and tell Daniel that you are committed to this marriage and intend to remain honest and loving until death do you part.  (Dawn takes a sip and repeats the above. The chalice is then given to Margaret who holds it up for all to see – still facing Daniel and Dawn, however.)

You have shared this sweet nectar while professing your love to each other. As I commit the remainder of the nectar back to the earth (Margaret steps to the side and pours the rest of the nectar on the ground), I remind you that just as nature gives us sweetness to enjoy – nature and unforeseeable circumstances can also bring us pain.

The people sharing this day with you have hopes that your marriage will endure all obstacles. Your commitment to each other in the presence of those who love you has strengthened your determination to succeed in forming a loving marriage. A loving marriage will endure the difficult times and result in stronger ties. Savory the joyous times and use their memory to help you overcome hardships.

Daniel, what token do you offer Dawn as a symbol of your commitment to her? (Ring is handed to Daniel.)

Daniel,  "This ring."

Do you Daniel take Dawn to be your wife and pledge to her your respect and faithful love from this day forward? (Daniel affirms) Please place Dawn’s ring on her finger.

Dawn, what token do you offer Daniel as a symbol of your commitment to her? (Ring is handed to Dawn.)

Dawn, "This ring."

Do you Dawn, take Daniel to be your husband and pledge to him your respect and faithful love from this day forward? (Dawn affirms) Please place Daniel’s ring on his finger.

Daniel and Dawn, you will be reminded each day of your commitment to this marriage by the wearing of these rings. Just as the circle is without end, your love for each other is eternal. Just as your rings are constant, your commitment to each other will never fail. With the exchange of these rings and the sharing of nature’s sweet nectar, you have taken each other as partners for life. As your Secular Humanist Celebrant, I join you together, man to woman, husband to wife, Daniel to Dawn.  

Please embrace and kiss for the first time as a married couple.  

I now present to you Daniel and Dawn Sherman.