Not All Vegas Weddings are Created Equal
The Good Men Project Magazine - 10/22/2014
Officiators of the world’s tackiest weddings refuse to disgrace God with same-sex unions.
Don’t underestimate the religious conviction of Dolly Deleon. Sure, she may operate a chapel that doesn’t feel the need to use the entire word wedding. It’s called the Vegas Wed Chapel — who needs all those extra letters? Just get to the vows already, the buffet’s closing soon!
Oh, that’s right, it’s also located just off the Las Vegas strip, a place synonymous around the world with the sanctity of marriage. And so what if it’s open 24 hours a day and offers things like hula hoopers and an Elvis impersonator for your obviously well-thought-out ceremony to mark the beginning of your till-death-do-us-part union?
The point is, Dolly Deleon is a believer in the Bible, and you’ve got another thing coming if you think she’s going to ditch her devout commitment to serving God’s will by disgracing her chapel with the likes of a gay wedding. And she’s not alone.
Now that same-sex marriage is the law of the land in Nevada, there are multiple proprietors of awfully chintzy wedding chapels refusing to wed gay couples. There’s also the aptly named Elvis Wedding Chapel which offers such elegant themes as “Blue Hawaii” and “Elvis In Concert,” but owner David has to draw the line somewhere. For him, that line is refusing to marry same-sex couples.
If you think this sounds suspiciously like unlawful discrimination, that’s because it is. According to the American Civil Liberties Union, for-profit chapels that refuse gay couples can be charged with a misdemeanor. The organization explained exceptions to the law only apply to religious institutions. “The difference between a church and a place of worship and a wedding chapel is that a wedding chapel is a business so that is covered under the Public Accommodations Law of Nevada,” said Tod Story of the ACLU.
Dolly told local news that it would be “hypocritical” of her to marry same-sex couples, but she fails to see the larger hypocrisy at play. We’re all for wacky weddings, but surely a 24-hour one-stop wedding shop on the Las Vegas strip that strangers stumble into at four in the morning makes more of a mockery of the institution of marriage than a gay couple could ever hope of doing.
Wonder how many of the straight couples Dolly has helped tie the knot are now divorced? via Washington Post - See more at:
What the Bible says about our Precious Little Babies
Below is what the Bible says about precious little babies. These passages are the reasons I will never place my hand on the Bible and why I custom design Welcome to the World Baby Naming Ceremonies:
God Kills all the First Born of Egypt
And at midnight the LORD killed all the firstborn sons in the land of Egypt, from the firstborn son of Pharaoh, who sat on the throne, to the firstborn son of the captive in the dungeon. Even the firstborn of their livestock were killed. Pharaoh and his officials and all the people of Egypt woke up during the night, and loud wailing was heard throughout the land of Egypt. There was not a single house where someone had not died.
(Exodus 12:29-30)
More Bible Baby Killing
Anyone who is captured will be run through with a sword. Their little children will be dashed to death right before their eyes. Their homes will be sacked and their wives raped by the attacking hordes. For I will stir up the Medes against Babylon, and no amount of silver or gold will buy them off. The attacking armies will shoot down the young people with arrows. They will have no mercy on helpless babies and will show no compassion for the children. (Isaiah 13:15-18)
Welcome to This World
Who Was George Eliot?
George Eliot, (Mary Ann, later Marian Evans, 1819-80) was the youngest surviving child of Robert Evans, agent for an estate in Warwickshire. In her girlhood, she was particularly close to her brother Isaac, from whom she was later estranged.
At school she became a convert to Evangelicalism; she was freed from this by the influence of Charles Bray, a free-thinking Coventry manufacturer (a development which temporarily alienated her father), but remained strongly influenced by religious concepts of love and duty; her works contain many affectionate portraits of Dissenters and clergymen.
She pursued her education rigorously, reading widely, and devoted herself to completing a translation of Strauss's Life of Jesus, which appeared without her name in 1846. In 1850 she met J. Chapman, and became a contributor to the Westminster Review; she moved to 142 Strand , London , in 1851, as a paying guest in the Chapmans', where her emotional attachment to him proved an embarrassment. She became assistant editor to the Westminster Review in 1851, and in the same year met Herbert Spencer, for whom she also developed strong feelings which were not reciprocated, though the two remained friends.